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The Archives

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Back row from left:
K.F. Coombes, D.E.J. Cootes, J.H. Garside, G.L. Holbrook,

B.E. Tottman, C.M. Hogbin
Front Row:
J.F. Murray, B.J. Murphy, P. Austin, P.A. Crowley, D.M. Harvey

Our earliest team photograph dates back to the 1956 - 1957 season. The Mens 1st XI were quite successful this year recording results as follows:


Played 28, Won 19, Lost 7, Drew 2.


They also recorded an incredible 110 goals, whilst only conceding 50.

Eleven years later, the kit, equipment and hair styles look remarkably similar in this picture of the Mens 1st XI of c.1967. The team was still doing well,  recording results as follows:


Played 25, Won 14, Lost 6, Drew 5.


They also recorded a respectable tally of 70 goals, whilst only conceding 34.

Gillingham Anchorians Hockey Club
Mens 1st XI
Early 80s

Back row from left:
D. Want, D. Gray, P. Smythe, S. Dhindsa, R. Ashdown, V. Chapman

Front Row:
M. Harrison, K. Brown, K. Mckenenney, P. Smith,

J. Fletcher, J. Barry, M. Davies


Mixed Mens Team
Tournament 1983

Back row from left:
Bob Westcott, Neil Budden, Les Cornish,

Graham Parker, Pete Smyth, Richard Brewer
Front Row:
Mark Dean, Mike Harrison, Robbie Donnely,

John Barry, Paul lawrence



Mens 6th XI

Back row from left:
Bernie Carter, Dave Huxstep, Joe Kennard,

Mark Wisby, Colin Ball
Front Row:
Roly Thomas, Steve Small, John Bloor,

Brian Goodard, Chris Westcott



Mens 1st XI
Qualified for HA National League

Back row from left:
I. Wood, D. Want, T. Shave, P. Farrer (c), M. Peters,

P, Smyth
Front Row:
W. Shave, P. Barry, N. Gordon, R. Lewis, S. Goodman

Team Members not in photograph ~ J. Dawson, I. Valentine

Back row from left:
Glyn Derham, Mike Davies, John Barry, Peter Francis,

Keith MacKenny, Aidrian Kierney (sponsor), Keith Hopkins
Front Row:

Dave Gray, Ron Ashdown, Stuart Cook, Jim Turnball,

Len Hutchinson, Peter Smyth

Mens Veteran XI
Kent Vets Cup Winners
Mens 1st XI

Back row from left:
I. Jackson, I. Valentine, W. Shave, T. Foster, R. Barrett, N. Haselden, D. Butler
Front Row:

D. Want, A. Simmons, T. Shave, N. Gordon, M. Gray

Mens 1st XI
Premier League A Champions

Back row from left:
N. Haselden, N. Gordon, M. Gillet, P. Barry,

I. Smythe, R. Biddlecombe, R. Barrett (c)
Front Row:

W. Shave, P. Gray, A. Simmons, P. Hargrave, T. Shave, S. Walker, R. Brewer

Mixed Club Tournament
Early 1990s
Mens 1st XI
National Inter League Championships
Gillingham Anchorians Hockey Club
Ladies U17 XI
circa 1994

Back row from left:
F. Billing, J. Ward, L. Barrett, S. Gooding, M. Young,

K. Inwood, S. Stiff
Front Row:

C. Lycett, ?, C. Brown, H. Ruffles, S. Meegan,

R. Mackay-Miller

ladies 1st XI

Back row from left:
Trish Bowman, Amanda Bishop, Jackie Gray, Melissa Pitts, Gemma Selby, Ann Long, Rosa Hargrave
Front Row:

Alix Lee, Dawn Clark, Sara Gooding, Pip Croft (c),

Faye Billing, Jo Gillett, Vicky Winchester

Ladies 1st XI
Promoted to East Super League Premier Division

Back row from left:
Pip Croft, Steph King, Sarah Shave, Gemma Smith, Amanda Bishop (c), Lou Barrett,

Ann Long, Natalie Guile
Front Row:

Sarah Inwood, Dawn Clark, Alix Lee, Devia Patel, Shona Gray

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